- Building facades entirely out of glass, with a subsequent improvement in use of natural light.
- Fitting large pieces of glass with a reduced number of anchor points.
- Offering great freedom in selecting the support structure.
- Making glass buttresses for maximum transparency.
- Providing a series of added values:
o Acoustic insulation.
o Sun control.
o Safety.
o Decoration.
The range of metal parts in the Spider GLASS system includes:
- Standard securing swivels specially adapted for each composition:
o Monolithic glass.
o Laminated glass.
- Complementary metal pieces to ensure the union between the support structure and the swivels:
o Stars.
o Crosses.
o Pins.
Tools for tempered glass
- Butt hinges. Their purpose is to allow rotation of the doors and they are located on two vertices of the doors (top and bottom).
- Hinges. Same purpose as the butt hinges, but located on one of the long edges of the doors.
- Top rotation points. Son las piezas sobre las que giran los pernios altos y se sitúan en techos, cercos o montante (dintel de la puerta).
- Bottom rotation points. These are the pieces on which the bottom butt hinges turn. They are housed in the floor.
- Locks, latches, stops and bolts. These are the pieces that allow the moving parts to be locked in place.
- Fixed pane joining parts. These are the parts that enable fixed panes which have no movement or articulation to be joined together and fixed in place.
- Perimeter securing parts. These are the parts that enable the fixed volumes to be anchored on site.